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Video Tour For This Service

Take a tour and see the greatest logistic company in USA

At Logisco, we know experience matters. That’s why customers trust us — we have more than 60 years of experience in the logistics and transportation industry. For your services, this translates to competence around the globe.


Why Choose Our Service Using Logisco is easy. We deliver packages up to 50kg, anywhere in USA & Europe. All you must do is place a single order with your local Logisco office. With just one booking, we will collect your shipment​​​​​​​ in a single vehicle at your location, and track it with a single tracking system. Following your package from start to finish. Partnership is an over-used word, but it does go some way to describing our customer-focused services. We strive to bring much more to the relationship than simply a means of reaching your customers across the that meet the needs of today and enable the opportunities of tomorrow.

Security Using Logisco is easy. We deliver packages up to 50kg, anywhere in USA & Europe. All you must do is place a single order with your local Logisco office. With just one booking, we will collect your shipment​​​​​​​ in a single vehicle at your location, and track it with a single tracking system. Following your package from start to finish. Partnership is an over-used word, but it does go some way to describing our customer-focused services. We strive to bring much more to the relationship than simply a means of reaching your customers across the that meet the needs of today and enable the opportunities of tomorrow.

Management Using Logisco is easy. We deliver packages up to 50kg, anywhere in USA & Europe. All you must do is place a single order with your local Logisco office. With just one booking, we will collect your shipment​​​​​​​ in a single vehicle at your location, and track it with a single tracking system. Following your package from start to finish. Partnership is an over-used word, but it does go some way to describing our customer-focused services. We strive to bring much more to the relationship than simply a means of reaching your customers across the that meet the needs of today and enable the opportunities of tomorrow.

  • We Use AI In The Line That’s why customers trust us — we have more than 80 years of experience in the logistics and transportation industry.
  • Smart WarehouseThat’s why customers trust us — we have more than 80 years of experience in the logistics and transportation industry.
  • 100% AccuracyThat’s why customers trust us — we have more than 80 years of experience in the logistics and transportation industry.

We can be your great business partner and help you growth strongly.

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